
African Sewing Club is our exciting new venture. Centre Marembo is going from strength to strength and helping more and more women in need of their services. However, once we have helped these women in their immediate needs and re-integrated them into society with new skills, they need somewhere to use those skills in a sustainable long-term workplace. This is where African Sewing Club comes in. We have taken over a sewing facility in Kigali that provides newly trained beneficiaries from Centre Marembo who choose to work here with a permanent job. This means we can ensure they receive a fair wage, working in good conditions, producing garments for both local contracts (e.g. uniforms for local schools) and for sale in the UK.

This enables us to help so many more of the women who use Centre Marembo’s facilities and are ready to move on from a terrible chapter in their life to a long-term brighter future. We need to fundraise to help provide equipment to expand the facility so please donate now and/or buy their products here.